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  • March 26, 2025
    Marketing, Compliance, YOU and Lending Conference

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Consumer Awareness Campaign

Michigan stands alone as the only state with a cooperative advertising strategy for over two decades. Research shows our efforts continue to connect with diverse Michiganders, raising awareness for the credit union difference and helping drive one of the highest membership penetration rates in the country. Our Try a Credit Union campaign also serves as an advocacy tool with our local and national legislators to raise awareness for all credit unions and to emphasize credit unions’ impact on people’s lives.


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Try a CUIn 2024, the Try a Credit Union campaign generated nearly 78 million impressions and over 570,000 clicks on our website, tryacreditunion.com. Equally as impressive, the campaign’s social media presence generated more than 4.7 million impressions and almost 49,000 clicks.

Thanks to credit union contributions, Michigan proudly boasts a 100% participation rate for the ninth year in a row. The generosity and involvement of Michigan credit unions have sustained our consumer awareness campaign, fostering a longstanding partnership that impacts the entire state. Impressively, over 60% of Michigan's population—6 million Michiganders—are credit union members, far surpassing the national average of 41%. Together, we can continue to make a difference for Michiganders.

For over two decades, Michigan has stood out as the only state with a cooperative advertising strategy. Our sustained efforts continue to connect with diverse Michiganders, raising awareness of the credit union difference and contributing to one of the highest membership penetration rates in the country. Now, the Try a Credit Union campaign has gone national, welcoming the Dakota Credit Union Association, expanding the reach of what has been so successful here in Michigan. This campaign also serves as an advocacy tool, engaging state and national legislators to highlight the impact of credit unions on people's lives. Join us in 2025 to amplify the success of this groundbreaking campaign and showcase the incredible impact of the credit union difference nationwide. Your support will help us continue to lead the way and inspire others across the country.


2025 Media Plan

By 2034, Gen Z will have become the largest generation of consumer-spenders ever in the United States at an estimated 78 million people. This age range currently spends $143 billion per year and will be the largest consumer-spender generation by 2034. While this group is known for being practical with their money, MCUL understands there is a lack of awareness and knowledge of credit unions and how advantageous they can be to personal financial health.

For over 23 years, our CU Difference campaign reached millions in Michigan; in 2025, we continued our focus on younger generations, leveraging social media and various other platforms. In 2025, we intend to continue our research of emerging media strategies, focusing on increased engagement among Gen Z members to drive even greater credit union exposure for that age group.

Join our campaign and become an Awareness Champion

For nearly a decade, Michigan credit unions have passionately supported our consumer awareness campaign. Every member benefits from reduced dues and makes a small but impactful contribution to the campaign. Additionally, credit unions have the opportunity to contribute at the prestigious Awareness Champion level, unlocking exclusive benefits in 2025. 

AC Benefits

Sign up to support the campaign today!

Unlock a world of exclusive benefits as an Awareness Champion in our Try a Credit Union campaign! We're thrilled to announce new perks are available immediately for all contributors at this level. Enjoy enhanced resources, special recognition, and more, designed to elevate your credit union's impact. Together, we can continue to make a difference for Michiganders by reaching millions and raising awareness of the credit union difference.  Join the cooperative awareness effort in 2025 by pledging your support today!

For more information, reach out to CULink@MCUL.org or your League Representative.

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