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MCUL & Affiliates Awards Portal

Michigan credit unions, from the individual level, up to the chapter level, are known for their second-to-none service and humanitarian action. It’s important that we take the time to reflect upon these deeds, and to recognize the leaders in our movement.

Nominations for the 2024 Awards are now closed.
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Help Us Honor You!

You deserve to be recognized but we need your help. Get your self-nominations together for submission and help us celebrate all the good work you are doing. Please consider applying for yourself, a colleague or your credit union!

Kate Hall
MCUL Awards

These awards celebrate the highest accomplishments of the Michigan credit union community over the past year. Awards recognize industry innovation, chapter effectiveness, community leadership and many other accomplishments.

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MCUF Awards

The Michigan Credit Union Foundation recognizes leadership in financial education and community outreach through these awards. Through the support of donors, the MCUF works cooperatively to help credit unions thrive and serve Michigan Communities through financial education, community reinvestment, and professional development support.

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2024 MCUL / MCUF Awards Gala Photo Gallery

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