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CU Spark Tank

This competition challenges young professionals to showcase their innovative ideas on beneficial products, services, or concepts for their credit unions or the credit union movement. It's an exciting opportunity to shine and make an impact! Winners will have the prestigious chance to present their ideas on Center Stage at the AC&E in Grand Rapids in 2025. Don't miss your moment to lead and inspire!

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Event Details

Event Name:So Mi' Chapter CU Spark Tank Competition
Date:March 20, 2025
Start Time:10:00 AM
Duration:1 day

New for 2025, the Michigan Credit Union League (MCUL) has created a competition for young professionals, the CU Spark Tank Competition. This competition seeks to highlight the unique perspectives and ideas of young professionals within the credit union movement.

Are you up for the challenge?

On Thursday March 20, 2025, at 10AM and location TBD (currently working on Jackson College as a location), the SoMi’ Chapter will hold the chapter-level CU Spark Tank Competition for eligible credit union young professionals, ages 18-40. Each credit union is encouraged to select one team member to represent them in the chapter-level competition.

Judging will be based on a seven-minute oral presentation. Contestants are asked to present an idea, product or service that they think would benefit their credit union or the credit union industry. It’s that simple! The deadline to submit your application and updated resume is (date).

Once a chapter winner is determined, they will move on to the semi-finals at MCUL’s Annual Convention and Exposition (AC&E), the first week of June at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids, where all semi-finalists will make their presentations to a panel of judges and six contestants will move on to the finals later in the week, on the mainstage.

The SoMi’ chapter will cover the following expenses for the chapter-level finalist attending the finals:

  • Hotel accommodations; and
  • Meals; and
  • Mileage/gas reimbursement or stipend.

The cost of AC&E registration will be covered for all chapter finalists.

Go to mcul.org/cusparktank to download the application and for other helpful information and details about the competition.

The winner and runner-up of the finals in June will receive prizes, including a scholarship and networking opportunities.

Need tips on how to host an internal competition at your credit union? See the competition manual on best practices . If hosting an internal competition, a judging form can be made available upon request.

For questions: Terri Papiersky at 517-936-2100 or email at terri@southcentralcu.org

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