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Credit Unions, Coffee and Conversation: World Council of Credit Unions CEO Elissa McCarter LaBorde & Chair Diana Dykstra

The latest episode of MCUL’s podcast series, Credit Unions, Coffee and Conversation, features two guests from the World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU): CEO Elissa McCarter LaBorde and Board Chair Diana Dykstra, who is also the CEO of California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues.

Corkery talks with McCarter LaBorde and Dykstra about WOCCU’s place in the credit union movement — as a trade association that works to advance financial inclusion by engaging in international advocacy, development, education and networking that empowers underserved populations, and promotes more equitable and resilient communities.

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This episode comes one month out from WOCCU’s 2023 World Credit Union Conference, so the CEO and chair give a preview of this event, which gives credit union leaders from across the globe a chance to connect and collaborate.

Corkery also engages McCarter LaBorde and Dykstra in a discussion on where the credit union industry is from a global perspective, how to get engaged on a broader level, as well as what’s coming on the horizon.

Listen here.

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