Page 8 - Michigan Credit Union League: CU Impact Report
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8  CREDIT UNION IMPACT REPORT                                                                       FALL 2020



        A major concern weighing on consumers following        An Opportunity to Put Values Into Action
        the uncertainty of COVID-19, the state shutdown and    “Our approach has involved both taking action when
        its long-term ramifications was mortgage payments.     our members need it and also educating them on
        For many, mortgages were due whether or not            services available to ensure we address their concerns,”
        regular paychecks were still coming in. As reported    said United Federal Credit Union VP of Mortgage
        by the Filene Research Institute, 36% of U.S. adults   Lending Brett Wier. The credit union has assisted
        said they are worried about missing a mortgage or      approximately 700 members with pandemic-related
        rent payment sometime this year.                       mortgage options in the past few months.

        Just like they did for credit card and auto loans,     “Many members have expressed concerns about
        Michigan credit unions made mortgage loan              their personal financial uncertainty and their current
        modifications available to members, including          financial hardships,” continued Wier. “Our mortgage
        skip-a-pays, term or maturity extensions and           advisors are able to help them understand what
        payment reductions.                                    payment assistance programs we have available and
                                                               how we may be able to help. Providing education
        Of the credit unions polled by MCUL, 76% offered       and consultation along with financial assistance
        mortgage assistance, helping nearly 15,000             is critical to helping our members recover from
        homeowners owing $2 billion in mortgage loans          pandemic-related hardships as quickly as possible.”
        with payment delays. More than 300 homeowners
        avoided foreclosures.                                  The credit union offered a variety
                                                               of payment relief options that
                                                               could be tailored to individual
                                                               circumstances and, in many


                      of credit unions offered mortgage
                      assistance, helping nearly
                      15,000 homeowners
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