Page 10 - Michigan Credit Union League: CU Impact Report
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10  CREDIT UNION IMPACT REPORT                                                                       FALL 2020


        SURVIVE COVID-19

                                               LAFCU & CASE CU help YMCA of Metropolitan Lansing deliver 8,000 meals.

        This past March, small business owners, many of        impact more than 77,000 employees during the early
        whom rely on in-person business, had to figure out     stages of the pandemic.
        how to survive while keeping their doors closed.
                                                               Additionally, 10% of these loans, or nearly 2,000
        Soon after, the Small Business Administration (SBA)    businesses were new or non-members that turned to a
        launched the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a      credit union after being turned away by other lenders.
        program to provide small businesses, independent       What can we learn from these stats? Credit unions
        contractors and others with the financial resources    are assisting small businesses, of course, but it’s
        necessary to cover critical business expenses. The     worth taking a closer look at the specific impact of
        SBA promised loan forgiveness following application    this assistance.
        if PPP loan guidance was properly followed:
        financials to be used for prescribed percentages on    An average of five employees per small business
        payroll, interest on mortgages, rent and utilities.    means these businesses were very small — well below
                                                               the size threshold for PPP eligibility. And the median
        Consistent with our industry’s dedication to helping   loan size of Michigan credit union-assisted PPP loans
        small businesses, Michigan credit unions jumped at     is approximately $20,400. This is much lower than the
        the opportunity to help community small businesses     average bank loan size through two rounds of loans
        navigate the application process and secure            — $218,000 — further exhibiting the small size of the
        necessary funds.                                       businesses that our state’s credit unions have focused
                                                               on during the pandemic.
        Distribution of more than 10,400 PPP loans to
        Michigan credit unions in Q2 equals nearly $600        Only 3% of total PPP loans were distributed by the
        million for small businesses. With an average of five   country’s four largest banks, according to the Filene
        employees per small business, this means Michigan      Research Institute, while locally oriented financial
        credit unions helped these businesses positively       institutions took the charge.
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