Page 4 - MCUL: 2020 CU Impact Report
P. 4

4  CREDIT UNION IMPACT REPORT                                                                     SPRING 2020

                    WHAT IS THE CREDIT DIFFERENCE?

                   On a basic level, credit unions are         about being a positive force in our
                   different than other financial institutions.   neighborhoods — finding areas,
                   We are not-for-profit organizations that    organizations and people that need help
                   have members instead of customers,          and providing that help. It’s that simple.
                   and those members are also cooperative
                   owners of their credit union.               In 2019, Michigan credit unions reached
                                                               5.5 million members after a 2.7%
                   But the spirit of the “credit union         growth rate. This means that Michigan
                   difference” is felt in the favorable rates   memberships are equivalent to 55%
                   and lower fees offered on high-quality      of the state population, which is far
                   products and services and the year-round    outpacing Michigan’s population growth.
                   commitment to improve communities           When financial institutions show an
                   through educating future leaders,           interest in not only the health of each
                   fundraising for those in need, assisting    member, but the communities they
                   small businesses and much more. Where       serve, people take notice.
                   other financial institutions design their
                   products and services based on a profit-    In other words, the Credit Union
                   driven model, credit unions are guided by   Difference means trust.
                   the motto “people helping people.”
                                                               In the following pages of the 2020 Spring
                   Why do credit unions do these things?       issue of the Credit Union Impact Report,
                   Because it’s the right thing to do.         you can read more about exactly how
                   Our movement’s social mission is            our movement is making a difference.


                                                                                      Dave Adams
                                                                                      MCUL & Affiliates
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