Page 11 - MCUL: 2020 CU Impact Report
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SPRING 2020                                                                    CREDIT UNION IMPACT REPORT  11



        In 2019, Michigan credit unions held 81 teen-focused   Cybulski added that these fairs are “a safe space,”
        Financial Reality Fairs — all aided by MCUF. These real-  saying they allow students a place to learn while the
        life budget simulations, which have more than tripled   stakes are low as opposed to learning the hard way.
        since 2015, introduce students to the complex world
        of income, spending and credit through interactive,    Michigan Legacy Credit Union President/CEO Carma
        community-based exercises.                             Peters, another volunteer counselor in 2019, spoke
 24%  Financial Education Programs  The cornerstone element of these fairs is the financial   about how satisfying it is to help students understand
                                                               why the budgeting process is so important to
        counseling sessions that close the exercise. Counselors  achieving life goals.
        walk students through their budget step by step to
        reconcile it. This essential last step gives participants   “Getting them to understand savings goals, which will
        insight into how they will balance their car payment   keep them out of the large percentage of American
        with rent, student loans, credit card payment and      households where a $500 catastrophe could really
        other living expenses.                                 tip them into financial ruin, and explaining it so they
                                                               understood that establishing that habit early can set
        Jeremy Cybulski, community engagement manager          them up for success later on,” said Peters.
        at Community Choice Credit Union, was one of
        many volunteer counselors in 2019. He said the most    “Volunteering our time and resources to this event was
        impactful part of counseling is being able to inform   a great investment,” said Janet Thompson, president
        students about how credit scores work, showing them  and CEO of Parkside Credit Union, who also served
        in dollar signs how varying credit scores impact things   at a Financial Reality Fair. “In my interactions with
        like car and insurance payments.                       students, I could see real-time connections being
                                                               made about monthly budgeting and understanding
                                                               how credit scores play into monthly expenses. It’s
                                                               gratifying to know that our time made an impact on
                                                               these students’ futures.”

                                                                  IMPACT OF FINANCIAL REALITY FAIRS

                                                              Number of students reached  4000  32  39  50


                                         Photo Courtesy: LAFCU  2000      18
        LAFCU’s Shelia Scott explains to senior Emma Granger
        that giving back to her community is an important
        value to consider when creating a budget.                   0    2015     2016     2017     2018     2019

                                                                                    Number of fairs held
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16