Page 7 - Contact Q1 2016 - final
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Chapter Profile

Small Chapter Makes a Big
Showing for Credit Union Advocacy

                                                                  2015 PAC Fundraising                               Chapter Events

                                                                   180.21%            143.21%                         2
                                                                          of goal           of goal
                                                                                                                     Held in 2015
                                                                  Federal PAC raised  State PAC raised

                                                                     $27,106            $11,764

Financial Education                                                                                     Foundation

    12                                                                                $6,265                         3

Student credit unions in area                                                         Including donations from the         Grants awarded for
  schools operated by five                                                            chapter as a whole and 90% of  Community Reinvestment and
         credit unions                                                                                                Financial Education projects
                                                                                      member credit unions in 2015

 The Blue Ox chapter blew its fundraising goals out of the        “The people involved understand that we need to bring in and
 water last year, eclipsing its state PAC goal by more than 143    mentor new, younger people. As a result, we invite younger
 percent and its federal PAC goal by more than 180 percent. Of     individuals into the meetings and try to get them onboarded
 the 10 credit unions in the chapter, nine exceeded their          so they can see the experienced people in action. We’ve had
 fundraising goals for 2015.                                       new leaders come in and we attempt to mentor them and get
                                                                   them heavily involved and spend time in order to get them to
 According to chapter chair Scott Pauly, CEO at Awakon FCU,        carry on this tradition.”
 advocacy has long been part of the chapter’s culture.
                                                                   With the November election on the horizon, Pauly said that
“We’ve come to know that’s what we do,” explained Pauly.           many within the chapter are already forming relationships
“We’re not going out of our way to do it, it’s just a normal       with potential legislative candidates in 2016.
 part of our process to be politically involved and to be
 involved in fundraising.”                                        “We are already positioning ourselves with all of the candidates,
                                                                   so that’s going to have a positive impact on the outcome
 One motivating factor, he added is “a bit of fun peer pressure”   regardless of who’s elected,” he said.
 that comes through competition with Blue Ox’s sister chapter,
 the Mid-Michigan chapter.                                         When asked what advice he would give to other chapters
                                                                   hoping to boost their own advocacy efforts, Pauly was quick
“We keep an eye on them and they keep an eye on us,” he said.      to point out the importance of an informed electorate.
“It’s a friendly competition, but it keeps those initiatives at
 the forefront when you know other people are watching.”          “A big factor is doing research and sharing that research at
                                                                   a chapter level,” he said. “Talk about the positions of the
 The Next Generation of Credit Union Advocates                     candidates; talk about who’s running for what position and
 Don Mills, CEO at Alpena Alcona Area CU, emphasized that          what their initiatives are. Sometimes we just assume that
 the members of the chapter all understand the importance of       everyone in our chapter knows the issues, but often that’s a
 their collective advocacy efforts.                                poor assumption on our part as leaders that everybody knows
                                                                   and understands what positions are going to be filled in the
                                                                   next election cycle and where we should be focusing our efforts.”

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